Update History

Version 8.4 - 29th August 2024 Latest Updated
    • Backup Prioritization: Before upgrading to version 8.4, it is crucial to perform a complete backup of your database. This step is vital due to the significant changes that impact the entire script in this new version. A backup not only protects the integrity of your data but also facilitates the adoption of new features and fixes. Additionally, this update introduces several new tables to the database, making it even more important to have a backup in place before proceeding with the upgrade.
    • New SMS Messaging API with ClickSend: The ClickSend SMS API has been integrated with predefined templates across all modules, allowing for quick and consistent implementation throughout the platform. Additionally, the option to activate the SMS API module has been added, enabling efficient and personalized message management and delivery from any part of the system.
  • UPDATE¡ Important!:
    • TCPDF Library Update Compatible with PHP 8.1: The TCPDF library has been updated to ensure full compatibility with PHP 8.1, providing optimal performance and supporting the latest features and security enhancements in PHP.
    • Client-Side Update for Session Timeout and Cache Clearing: Implemented a client-side update that automatically logs out users after 24 minutes of inactivity and clears the client-side cache to ensure the application remains responsive and up-to-date.

  • FIXED:
    • WhatsApp API Error Fix for Sending Packages: Resolved an issue with the WhatsApp API that was causing errors when sending package notifications.
    • Fix for Invoice Sending Module with PDF Attachments and Templates: Corrected issues in the invoice sending module related to PDF attachments and their corresponding templates.
Version 8.3.3 - 20th Jun 2024
    • Backup Prioritization: It is imperative to prioritize database backup before updating to version 8.3.1. This step is crucial due to significant changes affecting the entire script. Backup ensures data security and facilitates the adoption of new features and fixes.
    • A check for manual calculation has been added to all shipping, pick-up, and edit forms. If activated, the manual formula will be used; otherwise, the calculation will be done by weight range. Please ensure that all possible ranges are configured in advance. Additionally, a new field manual_tariff has been added to the cdb_add_order table. Please keep this in mind.
  • UPDATE¡ Important!:
    • All formulas in the script's forms have been updated, enhancing the speed of calculations, as well as the quality of prints and views.
    • The dashboard template has been updated to improve adaptation to any screen size, making the script more responsive.

  • FIXED:
    • General bug fixes.
    • Minor bug fixes in some queries, modal, ajax
Version 8.3.1 - 3th May 2024
    • Backup Prioritization: It is imperative to prioritize database backup before updating to version 8.3.1. This step is crucial due to significant changes affecting the entire script. Backup ensures data security and facilitates the adoption of new features and fixes.
    • Forward Prefix for Lockers: Lockers now support forward prefixes.
    • Random Locker Numbers with Autoincrement: Locker numbers are randomized with autoincrement functionality.
    • Back-End Logo Configuration Module: Front-end independent favicon configuration.
    • Secure Password Web Registration: Enhanced security for web registration passwords.
    • SweetAlert2 Configuration: Implemented on all registration forms for user-friendly alerts.
    • Avatar Logo Independence: Avatars are now independent of the profile form.
    • Recipient listing module in admin and employees.
  • UPDATE¡ Important!:
    • PHP Version Update: Upgraded to PHP version 8.1.27.
    • Tax Modules, Shipping Form Formats, Packages Consolidation Update: Enhanced tax and shipping modules for better functionality.
    • Sales Graphs Update: Sales graphs updated throughout the script.
    • Deprixa Pro Script Installation Module Update: Improved stability for license verification when servers are unavailable.
    • Module and JavaScript Refactoring: Refactored modules and JavaScript for enhanced security.
    • nvoice and Label Printing Formats Update: Updated formats for invoice and label printing across all modules.

  • FIXED:
    • General bug fixes.
    • These updates aim to enhance functionality, security, and user experience. Make sure to follow the backup procedure and carefully implement the changes to fully benefit from the new version.
    • Error SweetAlert2 module recipients modal.
Version 8.1 - 23th Nov 2023
    • When updating your script to the new version 8.1, it is crucial to prioritize the creation of a backup copy of your database. This step is essential because the update introduces significant changes that affect the entire script as a whole. By making a backup, you ensure that your valuable data is safeguarded. Moreover, this precautionary measure allows you to fully embrace and benefit from the new additions and corrections that come with the updated version.
    • Messaging API integration with WhatsApp ULTRASMG
    • Default template configuration.
    • Whatsapp template crud.

    • IMPORTANT MODULES: Messaging integration with WhatsApp:
    • Shipping: Register new shipment form, Accept shipment, register multiple shipments, shipment tracking, shipment delivery.
    • Collections: Register new shipment form, Accept shipment, shipment tracking, shipment delivery.
    • Locker Packages: Register New Package Form, Register Multiple Packages, Package Checking, Shipment Tracking, Shipment Delivery.

  • FIXED:
    • General bug fixes.
Version 8.0 - 4th Sep 2023
    • When updating your script to the new version 8.0, it is crucial to prioritize the creation of a backup copy of your database. This step is essential because the update introduces significant changes that affect the entire script as a whole. By making a backup, you ensure that your valuable data is safeguarded. Moreover, this precautionary measure allows you to fully embrace and benefit from the new additions and corrections that come with the updated version.
  • UPDATE¡ Important!:
    • Update php version to 8.1
    • Enhancing the Deprixa script by updating its entire source code to optimize performance across all aspects.
    • admin template update.

  • FIXED:
    • Correction of query errors in shipping lists and minor corrections in everything in script.
Version 7.6.0 - 6th Jun 2023
    • When updating your script to the new version 7.6.0, it is crucial to prioritize the creation of a backup copy of your database. This step is essential because the update introduces significant changes that affect the entire script as a whole. By making a backup, you ensure that your valuable data is safeguarded. Moreover, this precautionary measure allows you to fully embrace and benefit from the new additions and corrections that come with the updated version.
  • ADDED:
    • Consolidated Module for Parcel Packages includes:
    • French language available: FR
    • Corrections made to the consolidated module.
    • Reports, printing, payments, etc.
    • General modifications in the database to adapt to the new consolidated module.
    • Immediate authentication added for clients registering through the web panel.
  • UPDATE¡ Important!:
    • Notification pagination implemented to enhance efficiency and handling of large volumes of information.
    • Editable addresses added from the client panel, providing greater flexibility and convenience in information management.
    • When a new client registers, the admin will receive a notification and be redirected to the respective client's profile for streamlined management.
    • Exclusive folders have been created for each module to store digital delivery signature files. It is important not to delete these folders, as they may not be automatically generated on some servers.

      The new folders created are:

  • FIXED:
    • General errors in the consolidated modules have been resolved, ensuring a more stable and reliable system operation.
Version 7.5.3 - 30th Dec 2022
    • It is very important to keep in mind that if you are going to update your script, make a backup copy of your database, since the new version 7.5.3 changes applied to the entire script in general, in this way you would enjoy the new changes in additions and corrections.
  • ADDED:
    • Parameterization of translations, now it is possible to adapt to any language as long as it translates the necessary files.
    • Available translations: ES, EN, AR (RTL available for Arabic language)
    • It is possible to set fonts conditionally (for example, for the Arabic language font-family is used: 'Tajawal', it is necessary to make condition from the source code of the system.)
    • Adaptation of new styles
    • The footer file is included in all views
    • Video tutorial, how to install the script in the documentation
  • UPDATE¡ Important!:
    • Updating of libraries and general dependencies for operation
    • Update when creating a range of weights and price, with what is shown in the shipping form, collected according to the weight in the range, it will show the price configured in the price list table.
    • Library update by adding a telephone code plus telephone in the sender and recipient module where it threw an error, the problem was corrected.
    • Dashboard driver update where some links did not connect.

  • FIXED:
    • General minor bug fixes
Version 7.5.1 - 6th Aug 2022 Latest Updated
    • It is very important to keep in mind that if you are going to update your script, make a backup copy of your database, since the new version 7.5.1 changes applied to the entire script in general, in this way you would enjoy the new changes in additions and corrections.
  • ADDED:
    • Random tracking module, it is recommended for security
    • Activate countries and deactivate countries
    • Price list module was added to the destination state and city

  • FIXED:
    • General minor bug fixes
Version 7.5 - 25th Jul 2022
    • It is very important to keep in mind that if you are going to update your script, make a backup copy of your database, since the new version 7.5 changes applied to the entire script in general, in this way you would enjoy the new changes in additions and corrections.
    • CRUD Countries, States, City
    • These locations have new data for your use
    • CRUD Rate Cost by Weight Range
    • The function to estimate the cost of a shipment would be from the country of origin, to the country of destination, state and city, according to the weight range the cost is estimated
    • A parameterized address has been added at the time of registration.
    • SweetAlert(frontEnd) library implementation for server responses/messages
    • Form add shipment by the client (now it is possible for the client to know how much is the total to pay before confirming his shipment).
    • Applies to the following forms. Edit shipping form, Accept shipment form, Multi-Shipment Form, Form shipments collected, Shipping form accept pick-ups.
    • You can add a sender and recipient with the parameterized addresses.
    • You can add address for a sender and recipients with the parameterized addresses.
    • A new field has been added to show the volumetric weight calculation. UI improvement.
    • You can calculate the price of the weight according to the range established in the rate. (To calculate the rate, you must select the addresses of the sender and recipient).
    • When saving the shipment, the backend performs the calculations again for security reasons.
    • Now when editing a shipment, it is possible to edit the taxes of the shipment in question.
    • When accepting a submission, it is now possible to attach files/documents.
    • SweetAlert(frontEnd) library implementation for server responses/messages.
    • Added to the calculation detail, the symbol of the currency configured by the system administrator.
    • Total refactoring of calculations, formatting and validation of numbers for respective calculations.
    • Implementación de librería sweetAlert(frontEnd) para el respuestas/mensajes del servidor At the code level, total refactoring, now it performs calculations from the frontend to show the user
    • Server side validations implemented
    • Add and edit form: you can add a sender and recipient with the parameterized addresses.
    • You can add address for a sender and recipients with the parameterized addresses.
    • Form add shipment, edit shipment AND multiple shipments. you can add a sender with the parameterized addresses.
    • You can add address for a sender with the parameterized addresses
    • A new field has been added to show the volumetric weight calculation.
    • When saving the shipment, the backend performs the calculations again for security reasons
    • Now when editing a shipment, it is possible to edit the taxes of the shipment in question
    • SweetAlert(frontEnd) library implementation for server responses/messages.
    • Added to the calculation detail, the symbol of the currency configured by the system administrator.
    • Total refactoring of calculations, formatting and validation of numbers for respective calculations.
    • UI Improvement
    • At the code level, total refactoring, now it performs calculations from the frontend to show the user
    • Server side validations implemented
  • CRUD Customer ADDED:
    • added parameterized addresses
  • CRUD Recipients ADDED:
    • added parameterized addresses
  • Very important, for shipping modules, consolidated, packages ADDED:

  • FIXED:
    • General refactoring of bugs and code improvements.
Version 7.3 - 4th May 2022
    • It is very important to keep in mind that if you are going to update your script, make a backup copy of your database, since the new version 7.3 changes applied to the entire script in general, in this way you would enjoy the new changes in additions and corrections.
  • ADDED:
    • The encryption to the file query.php was removed, at this moment the code is free for modifications (Note: the script is still under license)
    • Modern function with decimals, number of zeros, currency sign position and world currencies
    • Module delete invoices in shipments, shipments of packages
    • New support module, here you can check if there are updates such as bug fixes or quick additions to the script, or also information about support.
  • UPDATE¡ Important!:
    • Update of the means of payment modules, here the CRUD was improved for each individual item in its database
    • New tables were added to the database
    • The forms were updated in the customer dashboard, driver, employees
    • Employee permissions updated.
    • Shipping lists were updated in each of the modules showing the graphs and lists at the same time.
  • FIXED:
    • General minor bug fixes
Version 7.2.1 - 6th April 2022
    • All the script was updated and new tables were added to the database, take into account when updating, it is best to do a clean installation and thus avoid errors, or simply update all files and migrate manual database to the new one, take into account the new fields in each of the tables.
  • ADDED:
    • Shipping information module by default in all forms
    • length units and unit of weight were added in the tax module
    • Unique module for payment apis paypal, paystack, stripe and bank transfer (Upload file)
    • In the client form, the item type of documents was added: (DNI,RIC, CI, CIE, CIN CC, TI, PSP, NIT)
  • UPDATE¡ Important!:
    • updating of all forms and modules, menus for all users, rearranged dashboard, new style
    • Updated login template, customer registration, tracking, password recovery, new style was added
    • Tracking form style update and delivery history
    • Update in the documentation how to install and request special permissions to the INSTALL AND CONFIG folders before installing.
  • FIXED:
    • Correction of error in the paystack api when the payment was made, the status was not updated
    • General minor bug fixes
Version 7.1.0 - 6th Mar 2022
  • ADDED:
    • Twilio SMS text messaging, in shipping form, shipping update, shipping delivery
    • Twilio SMS activation module
    • Templates configuration SMS Twilio
  • FIXED:
    • Correction form accept pre alerts to package shipments
    • Correction of error visibility item menu
    • Miscellaneous module error correction
    • Correction of error from the client module, upload image or file, payment module
    • Input data correction in taxes, by default 0 can be placed
Version 7.0.1 - 15th Dec 2021
  • ADDED:
    • In all shipping forms, tax session was added 2 additional charge fields to each item and shipping insurance according to the configured value
    • In all forms you can load multiple images at the same time, view, edit and add
    • Printing of images in the online and normal invoice
    • Driver module add license image
    • User module input select ID, nit, passport and more input number was added
    • Crud module shipping modes
    • All submission forms were updated and sorted, optimizing visibility and taking advantage of the fields in the form
  • FIXED:
    • Client module error correction
    • Correction of shipping modules load client and save it
    • Improvements in all the code in general and small errors
Version 6.3.5 - 30th Sep 2021
  • FIXED:
    • Security correction in all shipping forms, pre-alerts, consolidated, packages
    • Fix email notification
Version 6.3.3 - 23th September 2021
  • FIXED:
    • Advanced correction has been made in functions, variables, classes, database and organization of javascript and general security of the script
    • Correction of automatic tracking in all forms
Version 6.3.2 - 3th August 2021
  • FIXED:
    • Correction of errors in the modules of pre alerts, packages
Version 6.3.0 - 30th Jul 2021
  • ADDED:
    • Paypal, stripe, paystack payment api for shipments
    • List of payments in all shipping modules, consolidated, packages,
    • Redesign of the template in general and menu
    • Input field declared value in shipments, multiple shipments, consolidated, online purchases, collected
    • Minimum declared tax value to generate collection, configurable
    • Full documentation for general configuration
  • FIXED:
    • Minor bug fix
Version 6.2.0 - 3th Jun 2021
  • ADDED:
    • Advanced module SMTP and native PHP MAIL
    • Custom EMAIL templates as email notification
  • FIXED:
    • Minor bug fix
Version 6.0.0 - 10th May 2021
  • ADDED:
    • Advanced user registration module with multiple addresses
    • Register senders with multiple addresses and receivers in all forms
    • Dashboard client with registration of unique receivers
    • Edit shipping form tracking
  • FIXED:
    • Minor bug fix
Version 5.5.2 - 15th April 2021
  • ADDED:
    • Configuration module
    • ADDED: Activate or deactivate (manage which payment gateways the system will use)
    • Stripe
    • Paypal
    • Paystack
    • ADDED: Online shopping module
    • Pay with Stripe
    • Pay with Paystack
    • Payment with paypal
    • payment attaching documents (vouchers) includes push notifications, register the payment in the db and all the necessary configurations in each gateway List of payments made
    • ADDED: Modules internet purchases, shipments, collections, consolidated (in add, follow-up and deliveries) the option to send notification with Twilio Api for Whatssap was applied through a check where you decide whether to notify the sender or receiver.
  • FIXED:
    • Minor bug fix
Version 5.5.1 - 16th March 2021
  • FIXED:
    • Minor bug fix
Version 5.5.0 - 15th March 2021
  • ADDED:
    • Internet shopping dashboard
    • Create pre alerts
    • Pre alert list create packages from pre alerts
    • Create packages package details
    • Edit packages
    • Deliver package
    • Print package and Labels
    • Assign driver
    • Send email
    • Pay package (client side) and verify payment (admin side)
    • online shopping reports -general / listing / excel / print -by employees / listing / excel / print -by driver / listing / excel / print -by agency / listing / excel / print
    • Require and update sender and recipient customer data in all shipping / collection / consolidated / package forms. Add reissue field in all shipping / collection / consolidated / package forms
    • Customizable pound price field on all shipping / pickup / consolidated / package forms
  • FIXED:
    • Minor bug fixes in some muscles
Version 5.0.0 - 24th Feb 2021
  • ADDED:
    • Source code change to PHP 7 and PDO
    • Single and multiple delivery module
    • Dashboard for each module of shipment, collected and consolidated
    • Advanced reports
    • Accounts receivable module
    • Action button in product listings with more options such as (Edit, Add payments, send email attached invoice, add driver, cancel, print label and invoice, follow-up, deliveries)
    • Live notifications with sound for admin, employees, customer and driver
    • and much more…
Version - 07th May 2020
  • ADDED:
    • Shipping module new fields and conditions when boxes or packages are added and allow them to be shown on the invoice and label
    • Simplified customer registration form module
  • FIXED:
    • Correction of errors in the Avatar of the users profile
  • UPDATE FOLDERS ¡ Important!:
    • Update files and folders in specific when they do their update download, there are separate files to update
Version - 20th April 2020
  • ADDED:
    • Module take photo and upload files user administrator and employee
  • FIXED:
    • Ticket printing module correction
    • Update files and folders in specific when they do their update download, there are separate files to update
Version - 14th April 2020
  • ADDED:
    • Virtual Locker Module
    • Creation module and Pick up list
    • Quotation module (List, sent and approved)
    • Customs queries and processes module (Customs Process, Blocked Packages and Package History) Modulo, all states
    • New format for PDF reports
    • Take photo or upload file when package is delivered
    • Advanced PDF and EXCEL reports on all shipments
    • Module create collections in the client
    • Module create quotes on the client
    • Module list of packages delivered to the client
    • Module History of quotes in the client
    • Printing label module
    • New container printing module
  • FIXED:
    • Updating the entire template
    • Error correction when shipping was updated
    • Grouping and organization of all modules
    • Correction of errors in some modules and update of source code
Version - 23th August 2019
  • ADDED:
    • Changes in the driver module in the digital signature, usually with a modal button
  • FIXED:
    • Correction in the PDF library, when printing reports in general
Version - 22th August 2019
  • ADDED:
    • Simplification in the side menu, all shipments in submenu only
  • FIXED:
    • Correction of module of pre alerts in the session of the client
    • Correction in the client registration form, when activating your account with token code
Version - 19th August 2019
  • ADDED:
    • Pre Alert Module
    • Package pickup module
    • Advanced search module
    • Version caching module
  • FIXED:
    • Correction of some modules
    • Code simplification
    • Design update
Version - 01th April 2019
  • ADDED:
    • Correction plugin faraola to summernote more stable
    • Correction of error to module of user registers
    • Update modules dashboard, add courier, add container, consolidate
Version - 14th February 2019
  • ADDED:
    • Change of main web template
    • Consolidated new module
    • New drivers module
    • Driver user module
    • Consolidated in customer module
    • Module of tariffs and taxes
    • Russian Language Translation
  • FIXED:
    • Correction of errors in some modules
Version 3.2.6 - 30th October 2018
  • ADDED:
    • Modern web template editable
    • Programming mysqli, new in all the code
    • New administration control
    • Module containers
    • Text message TWILIO and NEXMO
Version 3.2.5 - 01th November 2017
  • ADDED:
    • Modern web template editable
    • Calculation of shipping and booking form, complete with client registration
    • Module edit web page
    • Upload and show photo customer module
    • New language Portuguese
    • In each user session time
  • FIXED:
    • Update in the form of shipping and adjustments to the calculation of the formula collection
    • Update of errors in the module shipping calculations
    • Update of errors start of sessions
    • Simplficacion of the code in general
    • Update of errors in the module customer
Version 3.2.4 - 27th June 2017
  • ADDED:
    • Setting number of invoices
    • Configuration information for virtual locker
    • Virtual locker for customers
    • Notifications for messages of tecto to your mobile phone
    • Module basic accounting
    • New online tracking module
  • FIXED:
    • Update errors in tables and general code
    • Forms with secure validation update
    • Update the login, registration for customers and admin interface
    • Optimization in code source and general template
Version 3.2.3 - 19th April 2017
  • ADDED:
    • Import customers with cvs of excel file
    • Double-encrypted password
    • Recovery password and new password in your email notification
    • New home for login and registration of customers
    • New home for login and registration of customers
    • New styles of colors in their own way
    • Print invoices and labels when you generate a shipping
    • Setting prefix for invoices
    • Easy installation and change of username and password
    • Custom folder deprixa to your dashboard
  • FIXED:
    • Update of tables and queries
    • Update reports and invoices in pdf
Version 3.2.2 - 07th April 2017
  • ADDED:
    • Multi-lenguage (English, Spanish, French, indi)
    • MD5 Encrypted Password
    • Reports in Excel
    • Printing labels with barcode
    • Consolidated and reports in Excel
    • Module status Styles
    • Search for auto in the forms of shipping Customers
    • Calculations of volume shipments
  • FIXED:
    • Update all the forms and tables with Jquery
    • Update reports and invoices in pdf
Version 3.2.1 - 09th January 2017
  • ADDED:
    • List of shipments online Booking
    • Edit Shipping
    • Delete Shipping
    • Modal status and modal Deliver
    • Module shipping automatic price Calculation
    • Notification by email to the customer, at the time of Shipping
    • Profile with image to the manager, employee and Customers
    • Update of the cpanel logo and main web Page
    • General Reports
    • Notification of payment bank transfer, cpanel’s customer Payments
  • FIXED:
    • Graph of normal delivlapproval shipments, cancellation of shipments Online
    • Responsive website main and administration Deprixa
    • Visibility in Mobile
    • Adjustments and simplification in the source Code
Version 3.2.0 - 25th July 2016
  • ADDED:
    • Reports in Graphics
    • Who we Are
    • Privacy Policie
    • Terms and Conditions
    • Cokies, promotions, awards, prohibited items & restricted list
    • Contact Form
  • FIXED:
    • Module shipping Calculator
    • Automatic notification by email
    • Simplifying administration – adjustments in all Modules
Version 3.1.0 - 13th March 2016
  • Added: Shipping Calculator
  • Added: Administration cost Calculator
  • Fixed: Update clients booking Form
  • Fixed: Update main Template
  • Fixed: Email alerts to customers and Administration