Documentation Deprixa Pro - The Integrated Courier & Logistics System that Will Boost Your Business

Deprixa Pro v8.4: The Integrated Courier & Logistics System to Boost Your Business

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our valued customers who have purchased this exceptional script, as well as those who are considering making a purchase. We are committed to providing continuous updates, which you will receive free of charge. Moreover, we highly value your questions and concerns, and we are always ready to assist you. Thank you for choosing us.

Courier DEPRIXA PRO is a software specifically designed for companies engaged in online package and purchase management. It offers a comprehensive logistics monitoring system for storage and cargo handling, ensuring efficient delivery to the final destination. The software incorporates modules that facilitate automated billing based on the cargo's dimensions, weight, and shape.

One notable advantage of Courier DEPRIXA PRO is its web-based nature, enabling users to access it from a PC, tablet, or smartphone with an internet connection. This flexibility ensures seamless accessibility and convenience for our users.

PDO (PHP Data Objects) is an essential component of PHP, providing a consistent and efficient way to manage database connections and handle data across various database engines.

Deprixa Pro is developed using native PHP and PDO, leveraging the power and elegance of this programming language. However, it’s crucial to ensure that specific extensions are enabled on both local and web servers for the script to function correctly. Below is a list of required extensions:

PHP >= 8.1.27 Recommended
Curl Enabled
helpers/.lic File Permission
helpers/license_lb_helper.php File Permission
JSON PHP Extension
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension
Ioncube Loader

Download files

Log in to your Codecanyon account and download the Deprixa Pro file.

Upload files

Using an FTP client or directly on your server, upload all the files from the application folder.

  • File permission:
    • STEP 1: Copy/Upload all files and folders from the application folder to your web server using cPanel or FTP. If you are installing Deprixa Pro on your root domain (e.g.,, upload the files directly to the root directory (/public_html/). If installing in a subfolder (e.g.,, upload them to the subfolder (/public_html/deprixa-pro/).
    • STEP 2: The "config" and "install" folders must have write permissions, so assign 777 permissions to these folders.
    • STEP 3: After completing the above steps, access your hosting control panel, create a MySQL database and a database user, and grant the necessary permissions to the user.
Create database

Create a MySQL Database via your web hosting provider's control panel (e.g., cPanel). Once created, remember the following information:

  • Database Name
  • Database Username
  • Database Password
  • Database Host

Deprixa Pro Installation Video Tutorial

Envato purchase code is invalid, please contact support!
When this error occurs, it could be due to several reasons:
  • Incorrect purchase code or user
  • Invalid or blocked purchase code
  • Invalid or incorrect Codecanyon user

Server is unavailable at the moment, please try again.
This error can occur for several reasons:
  • Slow internet connection during verification
  • IP address of the client's server is blocked; contact your hosting provider for assistance
  • Some servers in specific countries may block connections from other countries, preventing API verification. Contact your hosting provider to remove the restriction.

General Company Settings

PHPMailer offers many advantages over PHP’s core mail() function, including SMTP SSL encryption, authentication, HTML messages, file attachments, and more.

Additionally, PHPMailer is easier to use than mail() and provides a clean, readable object-oriented syntax.

Using PHPMailer with Hostinger SMTP

Once DEPRIXA PRO is installed on your web server, you can configure SMTP as follows:

  • STEP 1: Create an email account through your hPanel, then go to Email account -> Create a new Email account. Fill in the email address and set a password, then click Create.

  • STEP 2: After creating the account, note your SMTP data in the same section:

SMTP Mail Configuration Details
  • Mail Address:
  • Email Password: 1234567889
  • Mail Host:
  • Mail Port:Recommended 587
  • Mail Encryption:Recommended TLS

To get the Client ID and Secret Key from PayPal, you need a PayPal account.

Create Developer (Sandbox) Account

  • STEP 2: After logging in, create a Sandbox Business Account to enable test payments later.

Create PayPal App

  • STEP 3: After creating a sandbox account, click on "My Apps and Credentials" in the left menu, then click "Create App".

  • STEP 4: Name your PayPal app and select your previously created developer (sandbox) account. Once completed, click "Create App".

PayPal App Client ID and Secret Key

  • STEP 5: Once the app is created, you will see the Client ID and an option to view the Secret Key.

  • STEP 6: To switch between Live and Sandbox modes, click "My Apps & Credentials" in the left menu, then select Live or Sandbox, and click on the desired app to view its Client and Secret keys. Note that Sandbox and Live modes have different Client IDs and Secret Keys.

To get the Publishable Key and Secret Key from Stripe, you need a Stripe account (

  • STEP 2: After logging into Stripe, navigate to "Developers" in the left menu, then click on "API keys".

Retrieve Publishable Key and Secret Key

  • STEP 3: Once on the "API keys" page, you will see the Publishable Key and the Secret Key (click "Reveal live key token" to view the Secret Key).

Sandbox and Live Mode

  • STEP 4: To switch Stripe to Sandbox (Test Payments) or Live (Real Payments) mode, click "View test data" in the left menu. Note that Sandbox and Live modes have different keys.

Important to Note
Paystack allows you to test the payment flow before activating your account through its Test Mode. In Test Mode, you can perform transactions using a test card or bank account provided on the test payment page.

How to Get Your Live API Keys

  • STEP 1: In your dashboard settings, click on the API Keys & Webhooks tab. Scroll to "API Configuration - Live Mode" to find your Live Secret Key and Live Public Key.

Important to Note

  • You can only toggle to "Live Mode" if your account has been activated. Follow this link to learn how to activate your Paystack account.

What is the Callback URL?

  • STEP 2: The callback URL is the web address where customers are redirected after a successful payment. This could be your social media page, website, or even a WhatsApp message. Paste the link in the callback URL field to set it up.

Get Started with WhatsApp API

Ultramsg API enables you to integrate your applications with our WhatsApp messaging system. You will find everything you need in your favorite languages, including sample apps for web, iOS, and Android.

The main advantage of our system is its simplicity of implementation. Every message sent from our system has a unique ID, allowing you to receive delivery confirmations.

Send Your First Message!

  • STEP 1: Ultramsg account is required to run examples. Log in or Sign Up if you don’t have an account.
  • STEP 2: Go to your instance or create one if you haven't already.
  • STEP 3: Scan the QR code and ensure that the instance Auth Status is authenticated.
  • STEP 4: Start sending messages.

Demo: WhatsApp API ULTRASMG Message in PHP

Deprixa Pro - UPDATE

In this new version of Deprixa Pro 8.4.0, the entire script has been modified to correct modules and add new functions, improving the structure in PHP and PDO. New database tables and fields have also been created.

For developers who have modified previous versions with their own modules, updating can be challenging because it’s not a simple copy-and-replace process. Due to extensive changes throughout the script, basic programming knowledge is essential for making any updates.

How to Update Files and Folders?

If you are using an older version, make a backup of all files and your database, then follow these steps:

  • Download the new version and perform a full installation on your server to avoid errors.
  • Retrieve the following folders from your backup and paste them into the new installation: doc_signs, driver_files, files, order_files, pre_alert_files. This will restore your photos and attachments.
  • Copy the assets/css_main_deprixa/images folder from your backup and paste it into the new installation to retrieve login images and logs.
  • Copy the assets/payment_packages folder from your backup and paste the payment attachments into the new installation.
  • Copy the assets/uploads folder from your backup to retrieve images like logos and customer profiles. Ensure the logo link matches in the settings database.

How to Update the Database from a Previous Version?

Basic programming knowledge is required for this critical update. The new database contains new tables and fields, so follow these steps to ensure compatibility with your previous version:

  • Create two sample databases on your localhost or web server. Upload your previous version's database to one, and the new version's database to the other. Compare the two databases to identify any missing tables.
  • Identify and export any missing tables from the new database. Import these tables into your previous database.
  • Identify any new fields in the tables of the new database. Add these fields to the corresponding tables in your previous database. Ensure all configurations (name, type, collation, attributes, null) match to avoid errors.

  • Note: Review both databases thoroughly to identify any new fields that need to be added to the previous version's database.